From Semiconductor Research Institute to Nishizawa Memorial Research Center

Semiconductor Research Institute was established in 1961as a pioneer of university-industry cooperation and had been achieved tremendous innovation in microelectronics being supported by member companies.
 Since 2008 this has been Nishizawa Memorial Research Center in Tohoku university, in which Micro System Integration Center (μSIC) including Hans-on Access Fab. is located.

Semiconductor Research Institute
(located in Kawauchi, Sendai)

Nishizawa Memorial Research Center

Honorary Director , Junichi Nishizawa

Staffs and students in the Semiconductor Research Institute

From pin diode to Static Induction Transistor and Static Induction Thyristor

Graded index optical fiber

Liquid Phase Epitaxial growth of InP for high brightness LED

Photocapacitance measurement system